Tue, Jul 23
Optimizing MURB Design for Operating vs. Embodied Carbon
Time & Location
Jul 23, 2024, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EDT
About the event
This presentation by members of the EQ Building Performance team will review a case study of a MURB using detailed embodied and operational analysis for whole-building life cycle carbon. While embodied and operational carbon have been studied individually by many consultants and designers, they have rarely been combined. In addition, most carbon targets, including LEED, ZCB, and Toronto Green Standard, do not include MEP in their analysis, which has a significant impact on operational carbon. The case study will look at differences in operational and embodied carbon in three different Canadian locations in order to review the alternate priorities projects may face with differing utility costs and grid emissions factors. Using EQ’s extensive experience with MURBs, a subset of popular envelope types, mechanical systems, and structural options will be evaluated to determine what simple measures each project should be incorporating into their designs, as well as how to optimize for high performance carbon targets, especially when including MEP.
About Our Speakers
Samantha Menard, B. Arch. Sci., LEED AP BD+C, C.E.T.
Project Director, Energy and Carbon
EQ Building Performance
With over 10 years of experience in the energy and sustainable design industry, Samantha leads the energy division of EQ. With a focus primarily in the high-rise sector, Samantha’s expertise provides project management and energy modelling for compliance with Building Code, LEED, and Toronto Green Standard, and acts as a 3rd party reviewer, verifying energy targets for LEED projects and incentive programs. She is the co-chair of the Toronto chapter of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). While Samantha does not have conference presenting experience, she has presented a number of client lunch and learns and presented for the Ottawa IBPSA chapter.
Anna Wang, MASc., Certified PHIUS Consultant, LEED GA.
Project Manager, Sustainability
EQ Building Performance
Anna has worked on a variety of residential, institutional and commercial projects throughout her 8 years of experience in the green building field. She has a strong interest in building science and is familiar with standards of good practice within the industry, leading embodied carbon analysis at EQ. She is a Steering Member of the Toronto chapter of the Carbon Leadership Forum. She has presented research at IAQVEC conference specializing in indoor air quality, ventilation and energy conservation.
Kari Beal, C.Tech, CEM, LEED AP BD+C
Energy Specialist
EQ Building Performance
With more than 15 years experience in the sustainable design industry, Kari has been directly involved in providing energy analysis and sustainability services for new construction projects in both the Part 3 and Part 9 markets. As an Energy Specialist at EQ Building Performance, Kari applies her expertise in realizing energy savings and finding innovative ways to pursue ambitious sustainability targets in the high-rise residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial sectors. She provides energy modelling for compliance with Building Code, LEED, Toronto Green Standard and incentive programs, and has acted as a 3rd party reviewer, verifying energy targets for LEED projects and incentive programs. She is the secretary of the Toronto chapter of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). While Kari does not have conference presenting experience, she has lead the energy discussion and presentation at a number of Enbridge Savings by Design workshops.